Palmer, Rogers condemn Mexico’s seizure of Vulcan Materials port

U.S. Reps. Gary Palmer (R-Hoover) and Mike Rogers (R-Sakes) are criticizing the Mexican military’s takeover of the Birmingham-based Vulcan Materials quarry facility in Quintana Roo.

Authorities in Mexico seized the port March 14.

“This armed takeover of Vulcan’s property shows just how corrupt the Mexican government has become,” Palmer said. “This is a gross abuse by the Mexican government to which President Biden must immediately respond in the strongest possible terms. The unjust takeover of a private American enterprise should cause every American company to reconsider locating in Mexico.

“If the Mexican government can do this to one company, they can do it to all.”

The congressman also called on the Ppresident to take action against the Mexican government in response to this proactive move.

“The Biden Administration should immediately respond to this assault against an American company and demand the Mexican government withdraw from the Vulcan Materials facility,” he said. “It is essential the Biden Administration acts to protect America’s interests, or it will risk other actions against American companies.”

Rogers also blasted the Mexican government over the seizure, saying they should be more focused on going after the drug cartels.

“Mexico’s government can seize control of U.S. companies,” Rogers said. “But they can’t stop cartels from trafficking fentanyl and humans across our border?”

Yaffee is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts “The Yaffee Program” weekdays 9-11 a.m. on WVNN. You can follow him on Twitter @Yaffee

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What is next for the Alabama Legislature?

Dale Jackson March 21, 2023