Yellowhammer was the first to break the news last month that Rep. Martha Roby, R-Montgomery, was close to being appointed to the House Appropriations Committee, and today it became official.
Appropriations Committee Chairman Hal Rogers, R-Kentucky, announced today that three Republicans will be added to his committee. Reps. Mark Amodei, R-Nevada, and Chris Stewart, R-Utah, will join Roby as the newest members of the committee, which is widely viewed as one of the most powerful in Congress.
“I am honored to accept a position on the House Committee on Appropriations, and I appreciate the confidence my colleagues have placed in me by selecting me to serve in this capacity,” Roby said. “Appropriations has oversight on the whole range of government spending. This new role provides a unique opportunity to push for the kind of conservative spending priorities that will put us on a sustainable financial path for future generations.”
With this appointment, Roby will have to give up her seat on the House Armed Services Committee, House Agriculture Committee and the House Education and Workforce Committee. However, she believes the broad oversight of the Appropriations Committee will allow her to make a more significant impact on policy, especially with regard to federal government spending.
“Congress is working in a budget-constrained environment for the foreseeable future, and we must make sure every dollar spent is spent wisely,” said Roby. “After numerous discussions with senior colleagues in Congress and stakeholders in my state, I’m convinced having a seat on the Appropriations Committee will afford me more – not less – influence on issues that matter to the people of Alabama’s Second District.”
Chairman Rogers released a statement today welcoming the new members of his committee.
“I am pleased to welcome Representatives Amodei, Roby, and Stewart to the Committee, and look forward to working side-by-side with them as we tackle our formidable work ahead,” Rogers said. “Members of the Appropriations Committee have tough jobs to do, and have a great responsibility to properly fund the federal government and support the well-being of the nation. These dedicated public servants have proven their commitment to the responsible shepherding of federal tax dollars, to the regular Appropriations process, and to both the people of their districts and the American people as a whole.”
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