(CNSNews.com) – President Trump’s suggestion on Wednesday that law enforcement should “take the guns first, go through due process second” is not sitting well with the National Rifle Association.
“Well, the NRA is going to, first off…push for action on protecting children,” Dana Loesch told Fox News’s Martha McCallum Wednesday night. “But the NRA is also going to protect due process for innocent Americans. That is an approach that we are going to hold to.
“Due process must be respected, and we stressed this to the president at the lunch on Sunday. It is a foundational principle of this country. Due process must be protected and it must be respected in terms of going around any solutions,” Loesch said.
Asked about Trump’s apparent willingness to include liberal gun control solutions in one “comprehensive” bill, Loesch said:
I thought it made for really good TV. But I thought some of what was discussed is going to make for really bad policy that is not going to protect our kids. Now you heard the president, Martha, say that NRA met with him on Sunday and on behalf of members there are two things that were stressed to the president.
The first one is that we absolutely have to harden our schools and we have to protect our kids. There are millions of NRA members and we are parents, too. I have kids in school. And so this is an issue that I desperately want to see resolved. Which is why we’re pushing for action on this as well. The second thing that was stressed to the president is that we also must respect and protect the rights of law abiding Americans across the country right now being punished for the failures of government.
Martha, it wasn’t millions of gun owners who were missing the 45 calls to the Broward sheriff’s office. And it wasn’t us who were missing the two FBI tips. And it’s not innocent law abiding Americans all across the country who have for decades ignored the mental health crisis in this country. That was the political class.
And the same political class right now is coming and telling all of these innocent Americans that we’re the ones who have to pay for their failures. And we stressed that to the president. We said, look, I mean, you can’t restrict the rights of law abiding Americans.
And I want to be really clear what we’re talking about here. We are talking about punishing innocent Americans stripping from them constitutional rights without due process and making them pay for the political class has done.
(By CNSNews Staff Report, courtesy of CNSNews.com)