Moore: Case against Trump ‘leaky as Biden’s border’

U.S. Rep. Barry Moore (R-Enterprise) continues to criticize the indictment of former President Donald Trump.

On Friday, Moore handed out ham sandwiches with “indict this” written on the bags. He said this is “in honor of the fact the Manhattan DA could indict a ham sandwich next.”

The congressman discussed his issues with the prosecution against Trump during an appearance Saturday on Newsmax.

“There is an old saying that actually came out of New York that you can indict a ham sandwich,” Moore said, “and I think it’s important for the American people to know that you only get to present one side of the case to the grand jury and that’s what they’ve done against Donald Trump. And if it hadn’t been for so many times in the past when they said ‘it was Russian collusion, Russian collusion,’ and when the laptop came out they said ‘Oh that’s Russian disinformation,’ and then they tried to impeach him twice, they spied on his campaign.

“I think the American people are getting fed up with that and I think they need to understand that this was politically motivated.”

Moore said this is similar to when he was indicted in 2014 and found not guilty of perjury regarding an economic development deal with then-Speaker of the House Mike Hubbard (R-Auburn).

“It rallied the people behind me,” he said. “I had more volunteers that following week. I hope our nation sees this for what it is, another attack on the man we think may or may not be the Republican nominee, but we certainly don’t need our political opponents picking our nominees. This is to rally the people behind him … I’m hoping they’ll do for him what they did for me. We’re going to encourage him to stay in this fight.

“He’s going to win the race and he’s going to win this case, and that’s the way I see it.”

He also thinks this case is weak from a legal standpoint.

“I think this case is as leaky as Joe Biden’s border,” he argued. “We know it’s got more holes in it. We’ve seen the history of this case, and this is politically motivated. When you’ve got an attorney general and this DA in this case that says ‘hey, if you will elect me then I will arrest Donald Trump,’ and then he’s fulfilling an campaign promise, it’s nothing more than politically motivated.”

Moore said this case doesn’t just hurt Trump, but will set a dangerous precedent for the country.

“It’s not just about Donald Trump at this point,” he said. “We have to realize that it’s about this party being able to pick our nominee to be President of the United States without him being arrested by the opposing side. And I think it’s very important at this point that we get in this fight, we engage, and our response as Republicans on this Hill in Judiciary and Oversight needs to be rapid and it needs to be formidable.”

Yaffee is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts “The Yaffee Program” weekdays 9-11 a.m. on WVNN. You can follow him on Twitter @Yaffee

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