Moore Campaign: Jones would crush small businesses in Alabama


Last Friday, the Moore Campaign blasted Doug Jones for supporting “Bernie Sanders style economics” that would crush small businesses, stifle the free market, and make it harder for everyday Alabamians to put food on the table. This comes just as Governor Ivey declared last Saturday “Small Business Saturday” as a day for Alabamians to recognize, appreciate, and support small businesses.

“Small businesses account for around two-thirds of American jobs,” Judge Roy Moore said last week. “Alabama business owners and entrepreneurs work hard every day to provide quality products, services, and jobs to our communities and they deserve to reap all of the benefits of a free market that is unencumbered by the burdens of the federal government. As your next United States Senator, I will work hard to roll back unnecessary government regulations, remove tax rules that punish small business owners, and join the President in promoting economic policies that put the needs of the American people first.”

“The Bernie Sanders style economics of Doug Jones are straight from the socialist playbook and would be the destruction of small businesses in Alabama,” Moore Campaign chairman, Bill Armistead said on Friday afternoon. “Jones wants more government, more taxes, more regulation, and more free stuff – all on taxpayer dimes. Judge Roy Moore wants less government, lower taxes, fewer regulations, and a booming economy that will create jobs and make life easier for all Alabamians who are simply trying to pay the bills.”

According to Entrepreneur Magazine, 25 million and 27 million small businesses in the United States provide 60 to 80 percent of all the nation’s jobs.

(News Release/Judge Moore for Senate)

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