Montgomery holds municipal elections, HD 74 GOP runoff on Tuesday

Voters in the City of Montgomery will head to the polls on Tuesday for its municipal elections, with some residents also getting to weigh in on the special Republican primary runoff in Alabama’s House District 74.

Municipal positions up for election include the city’s mayor, as well as all city council districts. The municipal elections are non-partisan.

Additionally, voters living in HD 74, the seat vacated upon the unexpected passing of State Rep. Dimitri Polizos (R-Montgomery), will witness a GOP runoff between Charlotte Meadows and Michael Fritz.

Montgomery Mayor Todd Strange is not seeking reelection.

Candidates to succeed him include former Congressman Artur Davis, WCOV owner David Woods, U.S. Air Force General Ed Crowell (Ret.), attorney JC Love, Montgomery County Probate Judge Steven Reed and Montgomery County Commission Chairman Elton Dean.

For the Tuesday municipal elections, polling precincts may be different than voters’ normal location. You can check here for your correct precinct.

Polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. — 7:00 p.m. Unofficial results will be available on the Secretary of State’s website following the close of voting on Tuesday night here.

Montgomery’s municipal runoff elections will be held October 8 if necessary.

The special general election in HD 74 will be held November 12.

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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The DrunkAubie Podcast August 27, 2019