BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — Glennon Doyle Melton, author of the popular blog “Momastery” and the New York Times best-seller Carry On, Warrior: The Power of Embracing Your Messy, Beautiful Life is coming to Birmingham.
Melton will be speaking on Sunday, October 4th in Mountain Brook’s Canterbury United Methodist Church on love, faith and perseverance. Through her Momastery blog, Melton humorously and candidly chronicles her life as a mother, author, “truth teller and hope spreader.”
“Maybe life is just hard. And I think the beauty of admitting that is that other people admit it too and then you get to do life together. When I figured that out is when I decided to be a shameless truth teller,” said Melton. “The beauty of life is sharing it together.”
While Melton founded Momastery.com and wrote a best-selling memoir, she also is the creator and president of Together-Rising, a non-profit organization that has connected countless families in need with critical resources. She has been featured in Ladies’ Home Journal, Woman’s Day, Glamour UK, Family Circle, Parents Magazine, American Baby, and Newsweek – and has been a guest on The TODAY Show and The Talk.
Melton uses her recovery from alcohol and drug abuse to help others understand that everyone deals with struggles in life, but with faith and community we can get through struggles together.
“Life is brutal. But it’s also beautiful. Brutiful, I call it,” Melton has written. “Life’s brutal and beautiful aspects are woven together so tightly that they can’t be separated. Reject the brutal, reject the beauty. So now I embrace both, and I live well and hard and real. My job is to wake up every day, say yes to life’s invitation, and let millions of women watch me get up off the floor, walk, stumble, and get back up again.”
Melton’s writing and speaking style is real, relevant, and relational. Melton says that she believes her purpose is to inspire others through humor and remind people to strive towards a life of faith, love, acceptance, and forgiveness.
For more information and to purchase tickets for the Birmingham event where Glennon Doyle Melton will be speaking, go to www.canterburyumc.org/momastery.