Mo Brooks: Maxine Waters, House Dems will attempt to make Pelosi president

In a recent interview on Talk 99.5’s “The Matt & Aunie Show,” Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-5) discussed the ramifications of the Democrats retaking the U.S. House of Representatives, saying that hardliners like Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) will attempt to make Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) president by impeaching President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.

If Pelosi becomes speaker in January, as expected, she would be in the line of presidential succession right behind Pence.

Brooks believes the ultimate goal of House Democrats will be shallow partisan political games to help their 2020 nominee against Trump, however, their ultimate goal would be having a Democratic president before 2020.

“On the hearing side, you’re going to see nonstop efforts to try to undermine President Trump in hopes of helping the Democrat— whoever the nominee is — to be the next president of the United States. So that will be nonstop,” Brooks said.

He added, “There are some Democrats who have publically said that that is exactly what they are going to do. You’ve got Maxine Waters, who looks to be chair of the Financial Services Committee… she’s publically said she wants to impeach Donald Trump and impeach Mike Pence, which in turn would make House Speaker Nancy Pelosi President of the United States. So we’ll see how that plays out. In the House, they have the votes to do that. Now in the Senate, hopefully, that has no prayer.”

An impeachment conviction would need a two-thirds majority in the Senate, which is extremely unlikely to occur in the Republican-controlled upper chamber.

Brooks also discussed his thoughts on the Republicans losing the House and what it will mean on a functional basis.

The congressman from north Alabama praised the people of Alabama for voting in a “Red Wave,” expressing his disappointment that America as a whole did not follow suit.

“People in Alabama have a much greater appreciation for the foundational principles that have made America a great nation than apparently does the rest of the nation. For the rest of the nation to reinstate Nancy Pelosi, to promote socialism, to undermine the sovereign power of America by putting people in power who are for open borders, that’s going to have a bad ending long-term for our country,” Brooks explained.

“So, I’m proud of the people of Alabama. I’m very disappointed in those Americans across the country that voted for Nancy Pelosi and her acolytes,” he continued.

He then outlined how the House operates and the major differences you will see in the coming Congress.

“From a practical standpoint, there are two things, there’s legislation and then there are hearings, investigative hearings,” Brooks advised. “On the legislative side, there’s not going to be a lot of difference, and there won’t be a lot of difference because the Senate is still going to be in a position to block whatever happens. When we were in control — Republicans in the House — we would send legislation over to the Senate that would keep our promises to the American people, and then the Senate would block us. You know? When it was a Republican Senate or a Democrat Senate — it didn’t make any difference. And so, from a legislative standpoint you’re still going to have significant gridlock.”

Brooks concluded, “The big change is going to be on what kinds of vote I’ll face in the House of Representatives. I’m sure the Democrats are going to make us vote on every possible giveaway program that they can possibly come up with in hopes that will get voters mad us every time we’re financially responsible on the Republican side. So, they’ll be pushing a lot of votes on us to try to embarrass the conservatives — the Republicans — in hopes of unseating them in the 2020 election thereby increasing the majority of the Democrats in the House of Representatives.”

Sean Ross is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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