Mo Brooks calls on President Trump to declare a national emergency to fix border

As the partial government shutdown drags into the 24th day, members of Congress on both sides are seeking a way out of the quagmire.

Most observers seem to believe that there are few options that are possible at this point. Democrats have little reason to cave while the media has provided them cover for their inaction. The polling is indicating that is working.

President Donald Trump believes this is his last chance to get any real movement on his core campaign promises of building a wall. Neither side’s supporters are going to punish them for sticking to these positions.

This leaves one option, according to Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville): National emergency declaration.

Is it legal? The courts will decide. Will it start a chain reaction of executive overreach? The future will decide that. Of course, many will ignore former President Barack Obama’s actions on DREAMers.

Some want the president to act now to declare a national emergency and bring this shutdown to an end.

While speaking to WVNN, Mo Brooks called on the president to declare a national emergency.

“The president of the United States should declare a national emergency based on the loss of life, American lives, the thousands per year, direct and indirect, the homicides,” Brooks said on “The Dale Jackson Show.”

He added, “You’ve got roughly 70,000 drug overdoses. A significant part of those drugs that cause those deaths on American soil come across our porous southern border.”

Brooks explained the difference he sees between how Obama used his executive authority and how Trump could, “President Barack Obama, on occasion, exercised executive authority in direct conflict with the United States Code, and direct conflict with the laws, expressed laws of the United States of America. That’s when you’ve gone too far.”

Brooks said he believes Trump has this authority.

He explained, “There is no law that President Trump would be violating by declaring a national emergency because of our porous southern border.”

This option is a complete cop-out for everyone involved. Congress doesn’t have to compromise and the president doesn’t have to cave. Because of this, it will probably be what we end up seeing happen.


@TheDaleJackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 7-11 am weekdays on WVNN

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