Too many Republican primaries have devolved into contests over who loves Trump the most.
According to recent reports Congresswoman Martha Roby (R-Montgomery) is over it.
An aide close to Roby reportedly told the Washington Post that Roby was leaving Congress because “she was tired of pretending she backed Trump.”
For her part, Roby said none of that matters.
Spokesperson Emily Taylor said, “It would not matter who is president or speaker of the House. Rep. Roby has chosen to close this chapter.”
Of course, Roby ran a campaign where she was constantly accosted by the media, her opponents and her constituents about this issue and it seemed like only this issue.
Obviously, this was just overblown nonsense. For all the attention it was given, she won a run-off for her seat and easily won reelection.
But Trump super fans are different. All disagreement is seen as an attack. Agreeing only 85% of the time might as well be viewed as switching your party affiliation from Republican to Democrat.
Candidates continuously recount how often they voted with Trump, how they supported him before others did or how they are truly the one who loves him the most.
It’s sad and embarrassing, but it works.
We saw it in the 2017 U.S. Senate GOP primary, and this battle gave us U.S. Senator Doug Jones (D-AL). It is going to happen in the 2020 U.S. Senate GOP primary again.
In the past, the argument would be about who has the most conservative positions or who has the most conservative support.
For now, that is over. You are either 100% pro-Trump or your a traitor to the party.
Yes, the Joe Scarboroughs, Justin Amashes, Bill Welds, Mark Sanfords and John Kasichs of the world get all the attention, but the Democrats have their own Civil War brewing, although it will never be called that.
What these people don’t understand, or more likely don’t care about, is that the opposition to the current man in the White House is not enough.
The anti-Trump media that insists that anything short of renouncing any views Trump holds or refusing to support impeachment makes you “complicit.”
Being a conservative in this world has got to be infuriating.
This is truly a no-win situation. Trump supporters attack you for not being pro-Trump enough and his detractors attack you for not being anti-Trump enough.
So while we may never know for sure if this is why Roby is not running for reelection in a race she would most likely win, who would blame her if it was?
Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 7-11 am weekdays on WVNN