Marshall backs Kentucky ban on transgender procedures for minors

Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall is continuing to help push back against the use of experimental gender-modification treatments on children.

Not only is Marshall defending Alabama’s Vulnerable Child Protection Act, which was blocked by a federal judge in May, but he’s helping other states fighting to uphold similar laws.

Saturday, Marshall led a 20-state coalition filing an amicus brief in support of a Kentucky law that bans certain gender transitioning procedures for minors.

The brief is a response to a federal court’s decision last week to halt a portion of Kentucky Senate Bill 150 that prohibits healthcare providers in the state from performing “gender-affirming care” such as puberty blockers, cross-sex hormone treatments, and sex changing surgeries.

“Kentucky’s similar weighing of the risks and benefits of transitioning treatments for minors, and its decision to ban those decisions while awaiting the results of the experiments starting to be conducted in Europe, easily survives heightened scrutiny,” the brief said. “The district court erred by concluding otherwise”

While the court decision was a setback for Kentucky, Marshall has seen victories on the issue in other states.

Saturday, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of Tennessee’s law against the transgender treatments for minors. Marshall led an amicus brief in support of that law last month.

“Proud to have led a 17-state brief in support of Tennessee’s law,” Marshall said in a statement, “highlighting the critical difference between evidence-based science and the extreme gender ideology that is pushing these drugs and causing irreparable harm to our youth.”

Marshall has led similar efforts in Indiana and Oklahoma as well.

Yaffee is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts “The Yaffee Program” weekdays 9-11 a.m. on WVNN. You can follow him on Twitter @Yaffee