A group of anti-Roy Moore protestors led by media darling and drag queen Ambrosia Starling held a rally earlier this week on the steps of the Alabama State House, reported the Montgomery Advertiser.
“Every minority in Alabama is in trouble,” Starling said. “Every minority in America is in trouble. So it’s time for us minorities to stand together. Because we’re in the same boat, and it’s headed toward a waterfall.”
Why this matters: Moore is a much more vulnerable candidate than he was 33-weeks ago. For Democrat candidate Doug Jones to capitalize he must convince squishy Moore supporters that he is not a Washington, D.C. liberal and that he can still represent a conservative state as a moderate Democrat.
The details:
— Republican primary turnout was 423,282, while only 165,006 Democrats turned out. Moore almost beat all the Democrats himself with 164,524 votes.
— Most polls showed Jones closing the gap on Moore, some showed him leading, but the latest polls show Moore has rebounded. A Change Research poll has Moore up 47 to 42 over Jones, 7 percent are undecided and 4 percent will cast a write-in vote.
— The LGBT-centric rally lasted two hours and drew about 70 people.
— Moore’s opposition to gay marriage was responsible for his removal from the bench. Starling led the charge.
— Moore has continued to hit these themes on his campaign trail and has said, “transgenders don’t have rights”.