Letters to the Editor: ‘Moore’s best employment opportunity is to get a sales job at Honest Abe’s Used Car Lot in Gadsden’



‘Moore’s best employment opportunity is to get a sales job at Honest Abe’s Used Car Lot in Gadsden’

I’ve been a reliable Alabama Republican supporter for decades, even before I was old enough to vote.

As a high school senior in Camden, Alabama in 1964, I enthusiastically attended the Barry Goldwater rally in Montgomery’s Crampton Bowl. Even before that, I wore an “I Like Ike” button in 1956.

In 1962, I got out and worked door-to-door for Jim Martin in his U.S. Senate campaign.

All of which is to say that I’m a strong Republican. I haven’t voted for a Democrat in decades. But I’m about to.

I’ve known for a long time that Roy Moore is a nutcase. Now I believe he’s something worse. So much worse, in fact, that I’ve put a “Republican for Doug Jones” bumper sticker on my Buick.

I heard someone say that the accusations by the nine women “have a ring of truth.” To me, they sound like women reluctantly coming forward to clearly state the facts in this new and supportive environment for reporting sexual misbehavior.

Envision for a moment the damage to Alabama that would be caused by Moore’s election. The never-ending jokes by late-night comedians, and in lots of other venues, will have the nation believing that most Alabamians don’t wear shoes and that we exist on a diet of ‘possum and sweet potatoes.

I now believe that Moore’s best employment opportunity is to get a sales job at Honest Abe’s Used Car Lot in Gadsden.

— William Henderson Bruce, Jr.Fairhope


‘People need to wake up and see the game that liberals are playing’

Liberals have found a true and easy way to destroy a person’s career: to say something that there is no way to prove one way or the other.

If I was to come out and say that someone’s wife slept with me 40 years ago while that person was married to her, how could it be disproven this whether this was true or not?

The marriage would be over even if it was a lie. There would be other people who would believe it and have doubts about you.

This is what has happened to Roy Moore.

People need to wake up and see the game that liberals are playing before it’s too late.

— A.W. Bush, Millbrook


‘This entire dynamic reeks of everything we have come to detest about the swamp in D.C.’

Instead of just smelling a little “fishy”, this debacle has turned the U.S. Senate into something akin to an open-air fish market.

With that being said, the tinfoil hat folks have traded their tinfoil for Kevlar!

I submit that a universally overlooked context for this alleged controversy was the prior thirty day period which targeted Mitch McConnell.

For weeks, political analysts and noteworthy speakers were openly accusing Mitch McConnell of sabotaging President Trump as well as trying to squash conservative supporters in the Senate.

When McConnell openly spent millions in Alabama in the primary, it was louder than a weather siren to the average Alabamian and just as alarming.

To the average Alabamian, this entire dynamic reeks of everything we have come to detest about the swamp in D.C., which started out as a real swamp incidentally. Apparently, the water was drained and left the creatures on dry ground.

In the information age, anyone can research any claim and form their own informed opinions and that has to be galling to the rigid establishment class which has for years ruled as if “bulletproof.”

The million dollar question is why would Mitch McConnell spend millions to elect a Republican in a safe candy apple red state?

I submit that Mitch is terrified that Alabama will send a true Tea Party vintage wrecking ball to the Senate which could tip the scale against him and the ruling establishment faction of the party.

I also submit that this is a pervasive establishment fear for the upcoming 2018 elections. They have consistently painted this as a fear of losing Republican officeholders but the folks see this as McConnell’s fear of anti-establishment leaders coming to power. Remember, Mitch McConnell is on record expressing his disdain and outright hatred of the Tea Party voter which is likely the bulk of conservative voters here.

Whether you are a tinfoil wearing or Kevlar wearing aficionado, Mitch McConnell has just tripped a political “claymore mine” and the troops are ready for a battle of epic proportion.

This election has all the markings of a “Fort Sumter moment” heralding a political civil war. I submit that this is not the first time Washington has done something so stupid.

— Michael Beddingfield, Decatur

(Editor’s Note: This article is part of a guest series. We invite conservatives in Alabama to submit their opinions about the Roy Moore issue. Please find submission guidelines here.)

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