ALICEVILLE, Ala. — State Representative Alan Harper (R-Aliceville) took to Facebook on Monday to warn Alabamians against shopping at stores and shops whose owners are from another country and are not “God fearing Christians.”
I have posted regarding this issue once before and believe it worth another read. As you travel during the holidays or any other time, please try to shop and purchase gas and other items at American owned stores. The C stores/tobacco outlets, etc. with the lights around the windows and doors are not owned by God fearing Christians.
In large part, these stores are owned by folk that send their profits back to their homeland and then in turn use these funds against our country to create turmoil, fear and in some cases death and destruction.
I realize I am “painting with a broad brush” here, but the madness has to stop. Please join me in making the extra effort to never support these stores/shops! I am trying to do my part and I know you will to.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! May God Bless.
When asked how to tell the difference between foreign-owned and America-owned shops, Harper said, “Look behind the cash register. Most are owner/operators.”
The post received both support and criticism.
“So, basically, don’t shop at places with brown people. Got it. Thanks, I am now thoroughly disappointed in both my state and my party for electing you,” said Trey Edwards, a conservative activist from north Alabama. “Also, most of the ‘foreigners’ I’ve seen owning gas stations are Indian. What on earth did anyone from India do to the US recently?”
“(This is) the kind of fear based hate talk that is filling our world today,” added another commenter. “Christ taught us to love and respect each other.”
“It’s not hatred, it’s good advice,” another commenter said in defense of Harper. “His facts are proven, too.”
Harper said he was undeterred by any blowback, adding that he is “on a personal crusade to do my part to turn back those that would harm our great nation.”
“Isn’t it funny when things are taken out of context,” he said. “Please buy American every chance you get to build our local economies…where we know the revenues stay here in the good old United States of America! May God Bless!”
Harper was elected to the Alabama House of Representatives as a Democrat in 2006, but switched to the Republican Party in 2012. He now chairs the House Economic Development and Tourism Committee.