Lane Kiffin is being used in Tennessee political attack ads

As we’ve determined through copious amounts of research, Lane Kiffin is not well-liked in the state of Tennessee.

Apparently his stature in Tennessee is so bad that comparing a political opponent to him is a successful tactic. Regardless of Rep. Gloria Johnson’s record, capitalizing on #bamahateweek and Lane Kiffin hatred is just smart politics.

“It’s time to show big talkers like Lane Kiffin and Gloria Johnson that we mean business” is how the campaign mailer reads in bold print.

Although it does make sense to link Kiffin and his lack of commitment to Tennessee to an opponent, some of the claims made against Johnson are not in line with Kiffin’s record. Kiffin has never passed any legislative bills, and after being fired multiple times, has created plenty of job openings to fill. He has never filed legislation to give himself more time off work, instead he insists on working, even when it’s detrimental to the team. Maybe Johnson is more suited to be a coordinator.

While Kiffin has seemingly found a successful home running Alabama’s offense, he is still a piñata in the state of Tennessee. Alabama returns to Knoxville this Saturday, and hopefully Johnson can link her opponent to Derek Dooley – somebody who kept all his promises to Tennessee, but was terrible anyway.

[SB Nation]

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