BIRMINGHAM – King’s Home, safe haven to thousands of abused youth, women and children, today unveiled the “The Better Bin” Initiative for its donation bins located throughout the Birmingham Metro Area. The initiative – effective immediately – includes a striking new bin color and font, an initiative landing page and accompanying social assets and is intended to help educate individuals about the King’s Home mission while encouraging donations of gently used shoes, pants, shirts, jackets and other needed items.
The bright coral The Better Bins will now replace the former blue receptacles that are many times confused with other worthy donation services in the Birmingham area. The unique The Better Bin initiative color will not alter the overall King’s Home trademarked blue brand.
“With the launch of The Better Bin initiative, we are asking that people not only think about King’s Home when they clean out their used items at home, but we are asking them to think about their donations in terms of what they actually are – one person donating hope to another,” said Lew Burdette, president. “The color beckons individuals to give with intent and to purposefully select The Better Bin for their all-important donations.”
In addition to bins, King’s Home trucks will too be branded in coral with ‘The Better Truck’ emblazoned on the exterior. This robust 2018 initiative will take the 45-year-old entity into a secure future and signals its ongoing commitment to quality donation care. There are numerous The Better Bin locations throughout the Birmingham metro area, and more will be added throughout the year. The coral-colored The Better Bin and The Better Truck designs will lay the groundwork for what Burdette anticipates will be an exciting new chapter in King’s Home’s rich history as 2018 unfolds.
“Our formal relationship with Alabama Thrift Stores ended on December 31, 2017, and we want the donating public to know that items donated to King’s Home will no longer be sold at Alabama Thrift Store Locations,” added Burdette. “Nonetheless, for the last 45 years, King’s Home has worked to serve Christ by providing area youth, women and mothers with children fleeing domestic violence a place to call home. And as we look to the future, this bold, new look signals an even greater promise to deliver hope to those we serve.”
For information on a The Better Bin location nearest you, visit BinsforBetter.com. To schedule a The Better Truck donation pickup, please call 1-844-HOPEBIN.
(News Release/King’s Home)