VIDEO: Planet Fundraiser CEO left his comfortable job to be with dying dad — led to him starting his first business

Matt Wilson & Andrew Wells

In this episode of Executive Lion’s Living Life On Purpose, Andrew Wells and Matt Wilson sit down with Kasey Birdsong, founder and CEO of Planet Fundraiser; a startup tech company that helps organizations and merchants streamline the endless fundraising process.

Birdsong is a serial entrepreneur, a husband, a father, and a follower of Christ. Planet Fundraiser is his third business although he is still relatively young. He shares his journey of leaving a job to be with his dad while he was dying, which ultimately led to him starting his first business. Birdsong opens up about his successes, his failures, and how he continues to pursue his passion with purpose.

WATCH the interview:

3 Takeaways:

1) No matter how many businesses you have started or been a part of, there will always be struggles when you are launching something new. Keep going anyway.

2) Times get extremely difficult sometimes when you are a business owner and you have to surround yourself with a strong network that will support you and allow you to be transparent. If you don’t, the effects can be deadly.

3) Sometimes you can see a solution to a problem and bring it to market that will help so many people and make money at the same time. This is a win-win in business. Whatever you are selling should be beneficial for all parties if you truly want to achieve success.

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Yellowhammer News April 16, 2018