Jefferson County Health Officer mandates wearing masks in public countywide beginning Monday

Every citizen in Jefferson County over the age of eight will be required to wear a face-covering when going out in public beginning Monday, June 29.

Dr. Mark Wilson, Jefferson County’s Health Officer, made the announcement during a live-streamed press conference Friday afternoon.

The ordinance is applicable to everyone inside an operating business or government building or on transportation services like buses or Uber rides. It will not apply to those outdoors, except where a group of more than 10 are gathered who cannot social distance.

Wilson said that due to legal questions he cannot enforce the mandate in houses of worship, but strongly urged any person visiting such a location to wear a mask.

The ordinance also does not apply to schools and daycares.

All operating businesses are being required to print and post in a prominent location a sign notifying customers about the mask requirement.

Wilson said, “This is public health. This is science, this is doing what is right for our community based on the best evidence we have.”

He added that people have contacted him with questions about mask requirements violating their personal liberty, but he has also been contacted by people who feel they are in danger when people do not wear masks.

Wilson’s full appearance, along with updates from Dr. Michael Saag, professor of medicine in UAB’s Division of Infectious Diseases, is available here.

The full order can be read here.

Henry Thornton is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can contact him by email: henry@new-yhn.local or on Twitter @HenryThornton95

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