Since Jeff Sessions was appointed to U.S. Attorney General, the left-wing media has pelted him with attacks. First they sought to label him as a racist, and now they are whipped into a frenzy over a woman who has been arrested and convicted of two misdemeanors, supposedly over merely laughing during the former Alabama Senator’s confirmation hearings. The full story has seldom been reported.
The latest case of media hysteria surrounds Virginia woman Desiree Fairooz, who claims that she was arrested for “giggling” during a meeting of the Senate Judiciary Committee on January 10. Dressed in attire matching other Code Pink feminist demonstrators, she was escorted out of the confirmation hearing. That day, she and two others from her protest group were arrested. Both of her colleagues were dressed in KuKlux Klan robes and hoods. Convicted last week of disorderly conduct and parading or demonstrating on Capitol grounds, Fairooz now faces $2,000 in fines and up to 12 months in jail.
Far-left outlets simply identify Fairooz as a grandmother and retired librarian, painting her as a progressive martyr. However, she has an easily Googled history revealing that she is no stranger to extreme and disruptive protests.
Ten years ago, Fairooz was seen at the Capitol charging at Condoleezza Rice with blood-red painted hands during a Congressional hearing.
“War criminal!” she yelled at the Secretary of State before being taken away by police.
Following the incident, she was charged with disorderly conduct, assaulting a police officer, and defacing government property by smearing red paint across the walls of the Capitol. Though she faced up to 180 days in prison at the time, she only received a five day suspended sentence.
Fairooz will face a sentencing hearing on June 21, where a judge will determine if she will again get off the hook so easily.