Why the immigration divide in America is disheartening and scary

(U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement/Flickr)

(Opinion) At 12:01 am on Friday, the government will no longer have the funds to operate.

Once again, we are faced with the possibility of a government shutdown and the Democrats have made it clear that they will stand alongside “Dreamers” before the American people. While I somewhat understand the importance of a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, I have doubt that they would face deportation should the deadline for DACA arrive. In a statement on Tuesday, White House Chief of Staff John Kelly said that Dreamers were ‘not a priority for deportation’ should Obama immigration protections expire.

The issue I take with all of this is that Democrats in Congress are more willing to place the lives of so many American government employees in danger. It isn’t that the Democrats are forgetting our men and women fighting for our freedom overseas, they’re just wanting to make a “point.” A point that is so un-American that it makes my head hurt. A point that goes against everything America represents. A point that places hopeful citizens in front of citizens. In what realm does this make sense?

The divide America is currently facing is truly scary.  The fact that the Democrats are willing to take such a hard stance on immigration in spite of the current administration is frightening. The Democrats currently serving have shown more hate for President Trump than any political party ever has towards a president. They will do anything, even if it means endangering Americans, to get their progressive point across.

On Monday, Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif. was asked whether she would accept a short-term spending bill this week while the discussion of immigration continued. She responded, “I’m going to have a problem with it.” She continued in saying, “We have to protect these kids.”

Sen. Harris has one agenda: to protect Dreamers. Instead of offering solutions, she wants to sit around and talk about how we must protect the Dreamers. Protecting these children is something most Republicans and Democrats agree upon. She just wants her way in giving the Dreamers immediate citizenship. It doesn’t work that way.

Sen. Harris has continuously thrown a pity party for the Dreamers and has argued the case that Dreamers are all hardworking and devoted individuals. “They have been coming in the tens of thousands to the Capitol, every day,” she said. “God only knows how they afford it, by bus, train, who knows how they get there.”

“They’re sleeping 10-deep on someone’s living room floor, walking through the halls of the United States Congress because they believe in our government, and these kids believe that if we see them and hear their stories, we would acknowledge that we should continue to protect them, as we promised we would,” Harris added.

I am ready to see the Democrats work with the Republicans in getting successful legislation passed for the American people. I am ready to see the Democrats put American citizens first. While I support a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, it is not worth shutting the American government down for.

Kyle Morris is a senior at the University of Alabama and a Yellowhammer News contributor. He also writes for The Daily Caller.

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