The Alabama Senate Republican Caucus has designated Thursday to be pro-life Day at the Alabama Senate. On this legislative day, there will be a focus on passing legislation that protects the unborn and promotes a culture of life in Alabama. There are three particular proposals that are being taken up.
First, the Senate will debate and vote on an amendment to the Alabama Constitution that would declare our state a pro-life state. It would also equip the state to enact strong legal protections of the unborn if the controversial Roe V. Wade Supreme Court decision is reversed.
The amendment’s co-sponsor, Phil Williams (R-Rainbow City) said, “President Donald Trump has already appointed a solid constitutionalist to the Supreme Court in Judge Neil Gorsuch. One more appointment could flip the balance of the Court in favor of overruling Roe V. Wade and return the issue to the states. A Constitutional Amendment declaring Alabama a pro-life state would put us in a very good position to better protect life if the Supreme Court ever revisits its own disastrous precedent.”
Secondly, the Alabama Senate will take up a ban on assisted suicide. Republicans argue that the so-called “right to die” can easily turn into a “duty to die,” so they want to outlaw this practice in our state.
Finally, the Senate will vote on a bill that will allow healthcare providers to opt out of participating in abortions and other procedures that would violate a personal religious belief. The exceptions to this would be situations where the life of a patient is at risk.
These three proposals have already been passed by the Alabama House of Representatives.