As reported by WHNT News, Huntsville was chosen to be the recipient of a 1.2 million dollar grant aimed at eliminating the technology gap facing our society. So now the school system is offering free T-Mobile hot spots to families with students in grades 3-12.
The project has been online for two weeks, and now half the hot spots are providing families with 24/7 Wifi.
According to a spokesperson from the city school system, Huntsville was able to purchase over 6,000 hot spots with the grant.
Keith Ward, with Huntsville City Schools, said,
“You can go to our home page, there’s a banner there that has the T-Mobile EmpowerEd on it. You can click on that and find out more about it; there’s actually a link to an application. . . We have laptops that are issued in grades 3-12 for students, and the resources are placed on there, but to be able to take full advantage and to get all of the things that you want to take advantage of, having the internet is key.”
According to Ward, if you can get free lunch then you’ll qualify for the program.