Guest Op-ed: ALGOP’s New Year’s Resolutions

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As 2014 approaches, many of us are setting our New Year’s resolutions and getting excited for the new beginnings January 1 will bring. The Alabama Republican Party is no different; we even have a few resolutions of our own.

Next year is a huge election year for Alabama, as all of our statewide constitutional officers and our state legislators will be on the ballot. We are already working hard to ensure Republican victories throughout the state, from the bottom of the ticket to the top. The Alabama Republican Party is resolving to achieve Republican wins in all statewide constitutional offices, replace the remaining liberal Democrats in the state legislature, elect solid law enforcement candidates to local Sheriff races across the state, and successfully implement a strong ballot security plan to protect the integrity of our election process.

In 2010, Alabama Republicans were victorious in obtaining every statewide constitutional office. The majority of those solid conservatives will be running for re-election. We are confident that their re-elections will be successful; Alabama has experienced three extremely productive years full of progress and efficiency since Republicans took control of the legislature. We know the people of Alabama are aware that our state’s recent advancements are thanks to the leaders they elected in 2010 and we know they will honor those leaders by electing them for another term. Secretary of State and State Auditor are the only two statewide constitutional offices that will not feature an incumbent during the 2014 election cycle. The Alabama Republican Party will be working closely with all of our nominees to ensure they receive the support and assistance necessary to win.

ALGOP Chairman Bill Armistead
ALGOP Chairman Bill Armistead

Thanks to the efforts of former State GOP Chairman and now Speaker of the House, Mike Hubbard, and Senate Pro Tem Del Marsh, Republicans swept the State Legislature in 2010. We look forward to further strengthening our ranks next year. It is clear that our state’s improvements throughout the last three years are the direct result of the Republican leaders currently serving us in Montgomery. Their dedication to conservative principles and willingness to act swiftly and for the betterment of our state allowed for greater progress in one single term than during any period under Democratic reign. With continued strong Republican leadership in Montgomery, we are confident that we will be able to build upon the achievements of recent years.

In 2012, for the first time in history, the Alabama Republican Party targeted races at the local level. Our focus was on Probate Judges and Circuit Clerks – two of the three election officials serving in each county. Because of our dedication to those targeted races, we were successful in winning elections in counties that had never before voted Republican in a local election. Next year we will target local Sheriff races – the third election official in each county.

It is our goal to ensure safe and fair elections across Alabama and we believe this starts by electing solid conservative leaders to Probate Judge, Circuit Clerk and Sheriff, since those officials run the election process in each county. The Alabama Republican Party will be working with these election officials across the state to form a united front to combat fraud and intimidation tactics at the polls. No Alabamian should be afraid to vote their mind at the polls, regardless of their party affiliation. The ALGOP political team, under the direction of Britney Garner, has developed a well-organized and thorough ballot security program that will allow for fair and honest elections in Alabama.

The Alabama Republican Party Staff will continue to work hard for the people of Alabama next year. Our entire team has been involved in planning and organizing our strategy for the 2014 election cycle.

We need your help to guarantee we all have a victorious 2014 and stick to our New Year’s resolutions. All of us here at the Alabama Republican Party wish you a very save, happy and prosperous New Year!

Bill Armistead is serving in his second term as Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party

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