Gov. Kay Ivey awards $4.8M in grants toward innovation and research in Alabama

The Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA) on Thursday announced that Gov. Kay Ivey (R-AL) had awarded $4.85 million in grants toward new and continuing innovation-focused research.

Awarded from the Alabama Research and Development Enhancement Fund, the grants will be allocated to five Alabama universities and one research institution. The state-funded program was created by the legislature in 2019 under the Alabama Innovation Act.

The goal of the investment is to encourage research that will result in improved quality of life for citizens of the Yellowhammer State.

Ivey hailed the investment as a tool to enhance research conducted by Alabama academic and research institutions.

“Our universities and research institutions in Alabama truly impact the world, and I am proud to continue investing in the important work they are doing,” proclaimed Ivey. “This $4.85 million is an investment in the future of Alabama and the future of research.”

ADECA director Kenneth Boswell praised Ivey for her targeted approach of bolstering innovative research.

“ADECA joins with Gov. Ivey in encouraging research and innovation in Alabama’s universities and research centers,” said Boswell. “Often what comes out of the research labs and fields has far-reaching and life-changing effects. We look forward to seeing the fruits of these research projects in the future.”

The grants awarded by Ivey and administered through ADECA are as follows:

The University of Alabama in Huntsville

  • $603,206 to train students on advanced manufacturing processes.

HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology

  • $968,365 for the development of better agriculture seed varieties and production of healthier and more productive crops. The project will be conducted in collaboration with Alabama A&M University and Auburn University.

University of North Alabama

  • $10,353 to research the development of an ultra-sensitive biosensor with the outcome resulting in improvements in food and health care industries.

The University of Alabama at Birmingham

  • $700,000 for the development of a process to improve the effectiveness of a procedure used to assist amputees.
  • $635,927 to develop more effective pneumococcal vaccines.

Auburn University

  • $727,677 to research producing jet and diesel fuels from woody biomass and waste plastics.
  • $294,008 to research and access the economic feasibility of converting organic wastes into bioplastics.
  • $268,353 to conduct research involving polymer smart machines.
  • $300,432 to develop soybean hulls as a means to keep aquaculture feed pellets in mass resulting in less waste and more intake by farm-raised fish and shellfish.
    The University of Alabama

The University of Alabama

  • $341,679 to conduct research to improve building and transportation infrastructure.

Dylan Smith is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @DylanSmithAL