Former Sessions chief of staff from Alabama confirmed to Trump appointment

The U.S. Senate this month confirmed President Donald Trump’s appointment of Alabama Humanities Foundation executive director Armand DeKeyser to the National Council on the Humanities.

DeKeyser, who served as chief of staff to then-Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), is now filling an unexpired term until Jan. 26, 2020, on the 26-member advisory board.

In a statement, National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Chairman Jon Parrish Peede said DeKeyser is part of a “distinguished” incoming group of members that “bring a wide range of expertise in cultural leadership, government and public policy, international affairs, philanthropy and numerous humanities fields, including archaeology, languages, law, literature, history and political science that will be invaluable to the National Endowment for the Humanities.”

The council meets three times a year to review grant applications and advise the NEH chairman on humanities issues.

“I am humbled by this appointment,” DeKeyser commented. “I appreciate the confidence our NEH chairman has in me, and I am honored to be appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. To represent our state and the humanities on such a distinguished board is truly an honor and a privilege.”

A native of Mobile and a graduate of Auburn University, DeKeyser brings to the table 30 years of leadership experience in government and private business, along with a 28-year record of service in the Army as an active and reserve officer.

He has served as executive director of Alabama Humanities Foundation since 2012. AHF, based in Birmingham, is dedicated to fostering learning, understanding and appreciation of people, communities and cultures.

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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