Former Supreme Court Justice lets the mask slip, admits that Democrats want to repeal the 2nd Amendment

It’s fair to say that on the issue of guns, sometimes Democrats want to keep their actual opinions close to the vest. They assure you, as Vox did yesterday, that the “March for Our Lives” was about gun control not gun confiscation. The media insists that implying otherwise is engaging in hysterics and fear-mongering. But occasionally, a liberal will tell the truth and ruin the whole game, just like Former Justice John Paul Stevens did in his editorial for the New York Times:

“That support is a clear sign to lawmakers to enact legislation prohibiting civilian ownership of semiautomatic weapons, increasing the minimum age to buy a gun from 18 to 21 years old, and establishing more comprehensive background checks on all purchasers of firearms. But the demonstrators should seek more effective and more lasting reform. They should demand a repeal of the Second Amendment.”

Why this matters: Democrats know this kind of stuff is electoral suicide. But there is clearly a shift happening in public opinion. These trial balloons will be popped by conscientious liberals in swing states and district, but the base is moving this way and they know it. The problem for them could be that America is starting to learn that the Democrat base is in favor of a repeal of the 2nd Amendment.

The details:

— The “March for Our Lives” drew millions of people, in hundreds of cities, and garnered glowing and supportive media coverage from almost every media outlet outside of Fox News and talk radio.

— More than one-third of Democrats want to do away with the 2nd Amendment, according to a survey by The Economist and YouGov.

— The same survey shows that 82 percent of Democrats want to ban all semi-automatic weapons, which would be an effective ban on most firearms in the U.S.

— All Americans are shifting towards gun control, with 60 percent wanting to “ban assault weapons” in a recent Fox News poll.

@TheDaleJackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a conservative talk show from 7-11 AM weekdays on WVNN in Huntsville.

EDIT: A previous headline listed John Paul Stevens as a a Chief Justice, when in fact he was an Associate Justice. The headline and a line in the story were corrected.

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Yellowhammer News March 27, 2018