Fincher picks up major endorsement from GOPAC in AL01 Race

Chad FincherGOPAC, one of the premier organizations in the national conservative movement, officially announced this morning that they are endorsing State Rep. Chad Fincher in the race to succeed Rep. Jo Bonner as Alabama’s First District representative in the United States Congress.

Fincher’s endorsement comes as part of a new GOPAC program aimed at transitioning proven state and local leaders to higher office. GOPAC’s new program, “Called Up: A New Generation of Proven Leaders,” will provide support in the form of advertising as independent expenditures for GOPAC affiliated legislators running for federal office.

“Much like in Major League Baseball, we have diligently worked to foster the talents of young leaders and build a deep bench of battle-tested candidates. These rising conservative stars have proven themselves on the state and local levels, and it is now time to call them up to higher office,” said GOPAC Chairman Frank Donatelli. “Starting with the Alabama special election and continuing into the 2014 cycle, ‘Called Up’ will allow us to re-engage on the federal level, foster our talented state legislators into higher office, and attain the culmination of GOPAC’s vision.”

With regard to their endorsement of Fincher, GOPAC President David Avella said he believes Fincher has proven himself in the Alabama House.

“Rep. Fincher has proven himself to be a principled conservative leader through his service in the Alabama House of Representatives,” Avella said. “Through his involvement with GOPAC, we have enjoyed the opportunity to work with him to advance conservative ideas to create jobs, get government spending under control, and make government more effective in delivering public services.”

Fincher was first elected to the State House in 2006 and now serves as Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee. He has successfully shepherded several controversial bills in the Alabama legislature over the last few years, including teacher tenure reform in 2011 and the GOP’s landmark school choice bill in 2013.

“He truly embodies GOPAC’s mission of promoting to higher office promising leaders who have shown an ability to campaign and legislate effectively at the state level,” Avella said in conclusion. “His skills and experience are very much needed in Congress.”
Fincher told Yellowhammer Wednesday morning that he’s excited about GOPAC’s endorsement and believes it’s an indication of the momentum his campaign is experiencing.

“I appreciate that GOPAC has joined conservatives from all over the First District in supporting our bold, conservative vision for South Alabama,” Fincher said. “This organization, which has long stood with conservatives, has recognized that the next generation of conservative leaders must be a team of committed fighters against the liberal agenda that continues to erode the fabric of our nation. This is yet another example of the momentum we are seeing on the ground as grassroots conservatives are rallying around our campaign. I am very proud to have the support of GOPAC and look forward to serving as a strong voice for the constitutional freedoms of the citizens for the First Congressional District.”

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2. Jo Bonner moves his resignation day up to Aug. 2

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Jo Bonner moves his resignation day up to Aug. 2

Jeff Poor July 23, 2013