Did a Romney Aide Tweet the VP Short List?

Beth Myers is a long-time Romney advisor and was tapped in April to lead Romney’s search for a running mate. She was his chief of staff as Governor of Massachusettes and later the campaign manager for his 2008 presidential campaign. The Washington Post has said that Myers is “so familiar with the presumptive Republican nominee that she often speaks for him in strategy sessions at the campaign’s Boston headquarters.”

Today, she had a little fun on Twitter with “Follow Friday,” which is a weekly Friday tradition on Facebook where people tweet out who they think other people on Twitter should follow. Only…her Follow Friday suggestions include, well, the names of basically every single person you might think would be on a Romney short list for VP.

According to Buzzfeed, when a reporter asked if that’s the short list, a campaign aide replied “it’s a Friday follow.”

What do you think?

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Cliff Sims July 26, 2012