The 7 Things You Should Be Talking About Today
1. President Donald Trump says he is OK with a government shutdown over immigration
— At a meeting with law enforcement where immigration was discussed, the president said he would “love” to see a shutdown over lack of immigration enforcement.
— In spite of Trump’s words, the GOP seems to be moving towards avoiding a shutdown.
2. Congressman Adam Schiff wanted dirt on Trump from the Russians
— Schiff believed he was talking to a Ukrainian diplomat who had proof of an alleged affair Trump had with Russian model Olga Buzova.
— Schiff’s staff tried to arrange a meeting with the pranksters to obtain the photos, which Schiff would surely leak to the press.
3. A 2.5 percent pay raise for teachers moves closer to reality
— The pay raise is part of a $6.7 billion dollar Education Trust Fund Budget that was unveiled yesterday.
— Committee chair Rep. Bill Poole says the bill shows positive economic growth in the state.
4. Two bills to fund transportation discussed, expected to accomplish little
— Alabama Arise is attempting to get a bill passed to start a fund that could start accumulating money to go after federal public transportation grants without a funding mechanism.
— Sen. Gerald Dial is attempting to get a $2.4 billion dollar infrastructure bill passed without a funding mechanism.
5. People want Saban to skip the visit to Trump’s White House
— Alabama football visited the Obama White House four times in eight years and now they have been invited to visit Donald Trump’s.
— Liberal activist group CREEDO Action is demanding they skip the event.
6. Men are now 3 times more likely to not want to be alone with female employees than before #MeToo
— The #MeToo movement is having a negative impact on workplaces across the country as men are becoming terrified of the slightest mistake involving a female employee/coworker.
— Male managers are becoming more uncomfortable mentoring women; that number has more than tripled from 5 percent to 16 percent, or 1 in 6.
7. Trump wants a military parade; find me an American soldier that wants a part of this
— After visiting France, President Trump told his commanders he wanted a parade like the French have on Bastille Day.
— The White House and the Pentagon have confirmed that planning is underway for the parade.