Dale Jackson’s 7 Things: Another mass shooting – madman storms AL daycare – tentative immigration deal reached

The 7 Things You Should Be Talking About Today

1. Another mass shooting where the answers escape us

At least 17 dead in a Florida high school; the shooter is a former student who was expelled and posted stuff on the Internet.

— Before we know about what happened in Florida and why, Democrats demand something be done, but what would have stopped it?

2. Politicize the shooting in Florida at your peril, but there is no need to mock “thoughts and prayers

— Politicians seek answers, Republicans seem to be unsure of what could stop this and Democrats are blaming their opponents for “inaction”.

— We all grieve differently and those who offer “thoughts and prayers” in these situations are treated like monsters who like watching people die because of NRA donations, which is being called a “terrorist organization“.

3. Crazed Alabama man threatens a day care with a rifle and a car

— An angry Alabama parent showed up at his son’s daycare demanding to have his daughter released to him, when he was denied he threatened to kill the people at the daycare with his rifle and car.

— A heroic employee stood between the children and the madman, while other workers took the children into another room.

4. Immigration deal reached by some senators, no clue if Trump will sign on

— A group calling themselves the “Common Sense Caucus” has reached what they are calling a compromise that will create amnesty and provide money for border security.

— The plan doesn’t do what Trump wanted on chain migration nor does it end a diversity visa lottery program that he wanted eliminated.

5. More swastikas found at University of Alabama-Huntsville

— UAH has had a total of three swastikas found on campus, all are suspected to have been done by the same person.

— No outside agencies are involved, which leads one to believe the threat is not considered serious.

6. After much media coverage, even though it was reported on day one, the same-sex “promposal” couple can go to prom

— A student was allegedly punished for asking her girlfriend to prom at a school event, the school claims the punishment was about the promposal and not the same-sex nature.

— The school already said the students could attend the prom together, as a same-sex couple had done before, but that didn’t stop a gay rights organization from reaffirming it.

7. GOP considers cuts to entitlements in order to combat deficits

— Deficits have increased after tax cuts and spending bills, the GOP wants to fix this.

— Republicans on the House Budget Committee want to rein in spending on entitlement programs like Medicare and Social Security.

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