Dale Jackson: We did your masks, but Alabamians will not do vaccine passports

When all is said and done, the story of the coronavirus pandemic may be how far some people were willing to go to control people’s behavior through the power of government and how unwilling they were to give up that power.

In Alabama, we saw stay-at-home orders and mask mandates; we saw businesses shut down unless they were big box stores, and we saw all sorts of actions taken by average Alabamians that would shock our 2019 selves to our cores.

But we went along.

We stopped visiting our friends and family. We worked from home. We home-schooled (or no-schooled) our kids. And all of this was done solely for the reason to “slow the spread.” Little did we know that slowing the spread for 15 days would take well over a year.

But, like Americans from other states, Alabamians did exactly what they were supposed to do, and the understanding was once we got this behind us, we would go back to our normal lives.

But a lot of people have very different designs for the new normal.

Yes, you have been told that going to get a vaccine is for the greater good, but then you were also told you still have to wear a mask afterwards. And now, some of these same people want you to carry around proof that you got it.

I got the vaccine, but I am not doing this other stuff.

I wore my mask like a good boy. I got my vaccine like a good boy. I followed the rules of the State, and now I am done.

I was a good boy.

So, imagine my surprise when I saw the CDC director making the argument that we were facing “impending doom” in the days ahead.

This came, of course, after Governor Kay Ivey rejected an appeal by President Joe Biden and his administration to force Alabamians to wear masks far beyond the April 9 date given by the governor as the final day of the mask mandate.

But, “impending doom” and more masking are hardly the end game for the Biden administration. They apparently want us all to download a vaccination passport. And much to the surprise of no one, the Biden administration has been testing a system that would be like the system China used in 2020.

This will not fly among your average American citizens, and many Alabama legislators and leaders have spoken out against this.

Lieutenant Governor Will Ainsworth (R-AL) says that this is a fast-track to totalitarianism.

State Senator Sam Givhan (R-Huntsville) appeared on WVNN’s “The Dale Jackson Show” and made it perfectly and precisely clear “that dog don’t hunt in Alabama.”

He added that he believes Ivey can, and will, shut this down quickly.

“I don’t think it has to be from the legislature, I think the executive can handle that,” Givhan advised.

My takeaway:

And that’s with most things that have happened during this pandemic. The American media is taking the side of the bad guys. Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) has decided he is all in on the vaccination passports while Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) is saying absolutely not to this wholly un-American exercise.

But who do the media choose to demonize? DeSantis, the same person they’ve been demonizing this entire time, while they let Cuomo off the hook.

After all, Cuomo is an Emmy award-winning alleged serial sexual harasser who is apparently responsible for thousands upon thousands of deaths at nursing homes in New York, a locked-down city, collapsing businesses, a still-high unemployment rate and just general terribleness wrecking his state, while Florida has been open for months and the impending calamity never comes.

The playbook here is pretty easy to understand. More restrictions are good, and there can be no lessening of those restrictions or it will prove the experts got it wrong again. Anyone advocating for or exhibiting freedoms and personal choice is bad and possibly a mass murderer. If you do not submit to the media and their Democrats and their overarching goals of total government control of every aspect of your life then you want people to die.

It is quite amazing to watch as the media and their Democrats, public health officials, and everybody on the planet repeatedly demand that they get to decide what is best for your life while it has become glaringly obvious that they’ve gotten almost every aspect of this pandemic wrong.

Those who want government control over your life have been wrong this whole time. They know it, and they don’t care. The only real success here is “Operation Warp Speed,” and that program is predicated on the idea that the government needed to get out of the way and let private companies go to work without a ton of red tape slowing them down. Yes, it worked.

The most astonishing part of all of this is that President Joe Biden and his party are apparently the authoritarian wannabe dictators that they always allege President Donald Trump wanted to be.


Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 7-11 AM weekdays on WVNN and on Talk 99.5 from 10AM to noon.