Dale Jackson: Roy Moore just can’t stop losing

When will Roy Moore learn?

He’s a loser.

Roy Moore just lost in court again.

The last time he scored in a court might have been the food court of the Gadsden Mall.

  • He came in fourth in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate in 2020
  • He lost an un-losable race to now-U.S. Senator Doug Jones (D-AL) in 2017
  • He came in fifth in the Republican primary for governor in 2010
  • He was destroyed by then-Governor Bob Riley in a Republican primary for governor in 2006

Yes, he’s had some wins as well. He won a few Alabama State Supreme Court races a few times and then got kicked off the bench.

He’s a loser — and not in a small way.

Now he has lost again. He didn’t want to wear a mask, and he wanted to become the face of the anti-mask movement.

A loser in court and a loser in public opinion, both once again.

Personally, the mask order is fine by me. Wear it when you go out and when you are around other people. It is simple to do and, as I have mentioned before, it is a political winner.

What Governor Kay Ivey should look to do is set some benchmarks for restaurants and other businesses to be allowed to open further, and she should include benchmarks for closing them again.

For example, the governor could loosen restrictions if Alabama’s seven-day average is under 700 new coronavirus cases for seven straight days, but the restrictions will return if the state’s average goes over 700 for seven straight days.

Set some goals. Give people some hope, and get people to buy in.

Never-ending restrictions will only test the consent of the governed, and if you lose that, every Wal-Mart will look like the Alabama gas station Dr. Deborah Birx visited where masks were scarce.

Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 7-11 AM weekdays on WVNN.