Dale Jackson: Jim Zeigler’s claims about ‘Rebuild Alabama’ don’t really hold up

Jim Zeigler, the Alabama State Auditor, is looking into running for governor, and he is seeking an issue to latch on to. He wants another Mobile toll bridge to fight because he wants to run for governor and needs a launching point.

This ain’t it.

Hat tip to Yellowhammer News’ Jeff Poor for motivating Zeigler’s gripe.

Let’s be reasonable here. Poor is joking, and Zeigler is being an opportunist.

Traffic on Alabama roadways on a summer weekend is not a problem. In fact, we should all be somewhat excited to see people out and about spending money and living life.

As State Auditor, Zeigler’s position carries with it a level of credibility that these charges do not carry.

He makes no real case here. He is just tossing out rancid red meat.

There is no evidence “Rebuild Alabama” money has been misused or mismanaged.

This is a half-cocked attention grab.

Most people don’t know that Zeigler doesn’t have any oversight on these funds. His job is to count the number of desks in the State House.

If Zeigler has a real allegation to make, he should make it. If not, he should be ignored, and his silly complaint should be dismissed.

Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 7-11 AM weekdays on WVNN and on Talk 99.5 from 10AM to noon.