Should colleges be required to provide abortion pills?





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TOM LAMPRECHT:  Harry, Life Action is reporting on a rather alarming story out of the State of California. The State of California Senate has voted to approve a bill that would require all public colleges and universities in the state to provide medication abortion pills on campus. The bill is now sent to the California Assembly for approval. According to the bill sponsors, somewhere between 10 and 17 women try to get an abortion each month on every University of California campus and between 9 and 15 each month at California State University.

DR. REEDER: Now we have a state-supported school that is going to be handing out chemical and medical abortion medication as if it’s a health instrument — an aspirin or a pack of Tums or something — when, in reality, it’s a chemical and pharmaceutical instrument of death.

When you conceive, that is a biological act that God has ordained that, when a sperm and an egg are united and then the egg is implanted, that is a God-ordained created process. Whatever that baby is in its DNA and existence is fully there at the moment at conception. The only thing that’s going to be added is size. This is a human being that is conceived in the mother’s womb, framed and formed by the sovereign hand of God through the biological processes He has ordained.

When you interrupt that medically and pharmaceutically to kill the baby, there’s nothing natural about that. It is not only lethal for the baby — so there’s one murder — it is also dangerous for the woman. The RU-486 is documented as a dangerous pill. I know it’s FDA-approved, I know it’s used and I know nobody talks about it, but infections, hemorrhaging and all kinds of things that take place.

I cannot help but wonder, along with the author of the article, what in the world this college is going to do when someone takes it — and, inevitably, it is going to happen — they begin to hemorrhage. What do you have available at the college to address that issue? Or, as has happened, death to the woman results to this — what are you going to do about that?


They went out and raised the money, $20 million, to fund the initiation of this project. Well, there’s two thoughts that come to me in looking at this from a Christian world and life view. No. 1, the realization that, once this gets started, it will be continued and you’re not going to keep raising the funds. That means taxpayer money is going to be used, not only to supply aspirins through the health clinic at the college, but now the abortion pill — the instrument of death for children — is now going to be paid for through tax money of the citizens of the State of California.

The second thing is what kind of people would be suspect to raising that much money — $20 million? It was said that there were certain corporations. I would love to know the corporations who are so committed that they would give that kind of money to the killing of children in the womb.


And then the third thing that comes out of this is the lies that are told to women. “This is safe” — no, it’s not. “This won’t have any effect on your life” — yes, it will. Women are documented on the after effects emotionally, physically, medically and psychologically in their life.

And then the final thing, Tom, is this: There is much that drives the abortion industry — not only its profitability, not only the money that’s made from it, but also why it is there. The abortion industry and the abortifacient drugs are all there as an all-out assault upon the unwanted child and how did the child get there? The child got there and, in almost every case, it’s outside of the bounds of marriage due to sexual immorality.


The sexual revolution demands the accessibility of abortion any time, any place, for any reason. That’s why the Democratic Party supports it, that’s why the secular elite support it and that’s why corporations will give that money. You’ve got to have abortion if you’re going to have a sexual revolution because, when you have sex, there are going to be children that are conceived. However, nobody had sex to get the children conceived — they had sex to manipulate, sex to gratify, sex to seek their own self-esteem.

The sexual revolution, in its pervasiveness, in its promiscuity and now in its perversion, will end up with something unwanted — it’s called a child which, actually, God had ordained as the purpose of sex. The purpose of sex was not gratification; that is the secular humanist hijacking of sexuality.

I am not saying that the sexual relationship within a marriage is not a blessing — it is — but it was given by God so that we might be fruitful and multiply. Therefore, when people insist on rewriting sex as an instrument of personal advancement, personal gratification or other person manipulation, whenever the sexual revolution continues to move on those tracks, there are going to be children. Therefore, abortion becomes the sacrament of the religion of the sexual revolution where you’ve got to promote it, you’ve got to have accessibility for it, you’ve got to normalize it. This culture of death is not embraced because you’ve got to get rid of the inevitable unwanted consequences of the sexual revolution.

And where is it most prevalent now? It is promoted on the college campuses. Where do we need to get this abortion accessible? At the earliest moment, at any expense, under the façade of safety — then we’ve got to go to the college campuses. California says, “We’ll raise the banner.” The government steps in. “By the way, we’re getting it funded outside taxpayer money.” Not for long. That’ll only last a little while and then, once it’s implemented, once it’s installed, now the taxpayer will have to pay for it and the continual dissipation and depravity of a death culture is propagated and multiplied. And it won’t stop in California — it will move to other states and then seep into the states in the heartland of America.


TOM LAMPRECHT:  Harry, let me read you a quote from Toni Molle, who is a California State University spokeswoman. She says, “Currently, our CSU health centers offer basic health services. However, the administration of medication still requires a level of expertise that our health center staff may not have. This bill may impose severe costs for liability insurance, safety improvements, medical training and round-the-clock phone support for medical emergencies.” Yet, no mention about the loss of life.

DR. REEDER: It will kill babies — but they won’t be able to bring a lawsuit — but it is going to have physical, medical, and even lethal effects upon the women who receive it as it is doled out through the college campuses. And, when those disastrous effects come and there wasn’t clear warning, and there wasn’t access to remedial medical help because of the consequences of this pill, now you’re going to have legal action of the parents of the girls and perhaps the girls, themselves. And, when the legal action, now you want to see a cost factor that’s being added to the taxpayers? The taxpayers will have to pay the court costs to defend the colleges from these legal lawsuits and the taxpayers will have to come up with the money for the settlements to those who are impacted by this pill and the inevitable adverse effects that it will produce.


Can I just merely say to the State of California that there’s a better way. Say no to the sexual revolution and say yes to sexual sanity, and that is the promotion of sexuality as an instrument of blessing that’s given by God within marriage that also then leads to the children that are not inconvenient — children are a blessing of the Lord. “How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.”

Not only sanity in terms of sexual ethics and sanity in terms of marital fidelity, but now sanity in terms of what is a college there to do? A college is not there to go to class and then go jump in the bed. It is not there to promote the sexual revolution. It is there to educate people, not educate people into imbecility, into irrationality and into the destruction of the sexual revolution and its sacrament of abortion.

Dr. Harry L. Reeder III is the Senior Pastor of Briarwood Presbyterian Church in Birmingham.

This podcast was transcribed by Jessica Havin, editorial assistant for Yellowhammer News. Jessica has transcribed some of the top podcasts in the country and her work has been featured in a New York Times Bestseller.

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