Yellowhammer’s Cliff Sims recently shared a short, but powerful story on his Facebook page about the importance of kindness, and it’s a perfect reminder for the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.
I’ve been frustrated with the lack of response Yellowhammer News has gotten from a company whose product we use on a daily basis. It’s a company that hundreds of millions of people use daily, actually. But although Yellowhammer is a small fish compared to some of their other clients, I’ve been waiting to give someone at the company a piece of my mind for their lack of response to our issue. This morning a friend introduced me to someone at the company. My initial thought was, “here’s my chance!” But I googled the person first, and one of their social media accounts came up. When I clicked to learn a little more about them, their bio said “future cancer survivor” and their latest picture — from about an hour ago — was a picture of them at the hospital receiving treatment. It looks like there’s a good chance he’d been emailing me while receiving chemo. Wow. Be kind today. Everybody’s dealing with something.
After Sims posted the story, several commenters shared how it really hit home for them.
“Dang, Cliff. That is an eye-opener,” said one. “That’s conviction right there!” Added another.
And another commenter shared a great Oswald Chambers quote that really drove home the point: “There is always one fact more in every man’s case about which we know nothing.”
With the chaos of the Holidays in full effect, we will all have plenty of opportunities to perform simple acts of kindness. Pass this one along to help inspire others!