MONTGOMERY, Ala. – Freedom Caucus member and Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks (R-AL) says that he still has reservations when it comes to Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) being Speaker of the House.
Rep. Brooks’ most prominent concern about Ryan is his stance on border security, he said when interviewed on the “The Laura Ingraham Show” on Thursday.
“My biggest reservation about Paul Ryan is that he has the absolutely worst record on border security of any Republican in the House of Representatives,” Brooks said.
On October 21, the supermajority of the House Freedom Caucus announced their decision to back Rep. Paul Ryan for Speaker of the House, despite the list of demands that Ryan proposed in order to accept the job.
However, some members of the Freedom Caucus have publicly acknowledged their hesitancies, including Brooks. Brooks says that he requires a promise from Ryan that he won’t support certain immigration policies “that the vast number of Americans oppose and that people in my Congressional district strongly oppose.”
“The majority of Republicans, since we are the majority, have to agree to immigration coming to the House floor before it can receive the House floor vote,” said Brooks. “That’s where the check would be on Paul Ryan’s open borders, amnesty type views.”
Ryan assured the GOP that no immigration bill will come to the House floor unless it has the support of the majority of the majority. However, with the official vote approaching, not all members of the Freedom Caucus are assured that Ryan will keep his word.
“We’ll see if he does that,” said Brooks.