Brooks: Alabama defense workers made Israel’s ‘miraculous’ Iron Dome defense system possible

(Video above: Rep. Mo Brooks speaks on the floor of the U.S. House in favor of Israel’s right to self-defense)

WASHINGTON — U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL5) went to the mic on the House floor Wednesday to “strongly and unequivocally” express his support for Israel’s right to defend itself against “relentless and unprovoked” rocket attacks launched by Hamas.

“In Israel, Hamas fires at communities, at schools, at daycare centers, all with the same goal — to invoke terror by injuring and killing as many innocent Israeli citizens as possible,” Brooks said. “If anyone dared to fire even a single rocket at the people of the 5th District of Alabama, much less if 2,500 rockets rained down on the Tennessee Valley, you can be darned sure that we would demand an overwhelming military response.”

“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said it very well in describing the juxtaposition of Hamas firing from civilian areas in the hope of drawing fire and the use, by Israel, of the Iron Dome missile defense system,” Brooks continued, “‘We use missiles to protect our people. Hamas uses their civilians to protect their missiles.’”

Brooks also noted that Alabamians have played an integral role in Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system, which shoots down Hamas rockets at an astounding rate of roughly 90 percent.

The U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA), which has a major presence in Huntsville, has been funding part of Iron Dome since 2010 (FY2011). MDA also manages the U.S. – Israeli Cooperative Program Office. The programs in that system are the Arrow, Arrow III, and David’s Sling.

In short, “hitting a bullet with a bullet,” as the Iron Dome essentially does, is something that cannot happen without Alabama’s Tennessee Valley.

“I would be remiss if I did not emphasize how truly miraculous the Iron Dome missile and mortar defense system is,” said Brooks. “It’s like hitting a bullet with a bullet. I thank the Tennessee Valley’s incomparable defense workers who, working hand in hand with very bright Israeli engineers and scientists, made hitting a bullet with a bullet possible… Untold Israeli citizens’ lives have been saved as a result of the Tennessee Valley’s technological contributions to Israel and the Iron Dome defense system.”

Israel launched Operation Protective Edge several weeks ago in response to rocket attacks launched from Gaza by Hamas. In the last three weeks, more than 2,500 rockets have rained down on Israel, typically targeting the civilian population, rather than the Israeli Defense Forces.

“Israel’s only solution… the only path to peace in the face of those who kill in the name of religion, Brooks said, “is Israel’s disarming of Hamas and the demilitarization of Gaza.”

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