Breaking: Mo Brooks Says He’s In Favor of Legalizing Cannabis—Medical Marijuana

Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks, who is running for the U.S. Senate seat presently occupied by Luther Strange, announced today that he supports the legalization of cannabis, i.e. medical marijuana.

Brooks made the announcement at a press conference streamed on the Facebook page of Talk 99.5 in which fellow Senate Candidate Dom Gentile announced that he is dropping out of the race and endorsing Brooks. Gentile’s wife is battling cancer and Brooks announced that his family has also been affected by breast-cancer. When Brooks took the microphone, he made the following statement.

Martha and I are very sorry to hear of Karen Gentile’s illness and send our prayers for a full recovery. Our family has experienced breast cancer so I have some understanding of what Karen and Dominic Gentile are going through…

It has been an honor to compete with Dominic Gentile in this Senate campaign and to receive his endorsement. I have admired Dominic’s candor, sincerity, and willingness to put this country above himself. I wish we had more elected officials with his heart, compassion, and selfless dedication to his beliefs.

While there are many issues in this Senate race, I mention one that is very important to Dominic Gentile. Medical cannabis should be treated like any other medical treatment that saves lives or eases pain and symptoms. In a land of freedom and liberty, that decision is best kept between a doctor and a patient. That is what I believe. That is how I will vote in the Senate. That is how I have voted in the House. I am a firm supporter of the Constitution’s 10th Amendment states’ rights provision. As such, medical treatment decisions are not the federal government’s right to dictate. That decision should be left to state governments, their elected officials, doctors, and patients.

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