The Boeing Co. in Huntsville, Alabama, just had its Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) development and sustainment contract (DSC) modified to include another $6.56 billion for the program.
The details:
— The Department of Defense announced the contract modification on Wednesday.
— “The scope of work under the current DSC includes development, fielding, test, systems engineering, integration and configuration management, equipment manufacturing and refurbishment, training, and operations and sustainment for the GMD weapon system and associated support facilities,” the Department of Defense said.
— The contract extension, which runs January 2018 through December 2023, is meant for an expansion of capabilities at Fort Greely, Alaska, to complete “the accelerated delivery of a new missile field with 20 additional silos and two additional silos in a previously constructed missile field” and “procurement and deployment of 20 additional Ground Based Interceptors (GBIs).”
— Ballistic missile defense has been one of President Trump’s military priorities.
— The contract extension meets a request that he made to Congress last November, asking for funding for new silos and other improvements at Fort Greely.
— Other companies with Huntsville-based operations are also a part of the contract, including Raytheon Co., Orbital ATK, and Northrop Grumman Corp.