Black conservative’s ‘I’m living MLK’s dream’ Facebook post catches attention

Tommy Davis

Americans honored the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a dream” speech this week, including tens of thousands who gathered at the Lincoln Memorial to commemorate 1963’s “March on Washington.”

But one New York chaplain’s Facebook commemoration of Dr. King’s legacy caught some extra attention online.

Yellowhammer asked Rev. Tommy Davis what inspired his post.

“Seeing thousands of black Americans gather in Washington for the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington to complain about racism is what inspired my post,” Davis answered. “We have achieved so much as black Americans, but so many of us are still spending all our time complaining about not being able to overcome.”

Davis said that in spite of President Obama’s promises to bring racial healing to the country, race relations have actually deteriorated since he took office.

“Black conservatives are demonized by the Left, when we are really trying to preserve our rich heritage,” Davis said.

He also expressed frustration that Republicans are consistently portrayed as racists when they disagree with the president’s policies.

But not everyone agrees with Rev. Davis’s perspective.

“It is the white Democrats and Republican’s that are holding the blacks back,” one commenter said.

Yellowhammer asked Davis how Republicans could do a better job reaching minorities who share those feelings.

He said they simply need to tell the truth.

“The Republican Party will always have a chance to reach minorities through education and speaking the truth about things that ail black American communities,” Davis said. “Poor education, high incarceration rates and community deterioration are factors that can be directly attributed to the welfare state.”

What do you think about Rev. Davis’s take?

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