In a recent article, Thrillist ranks Birmingham as one of seven most underrrated American food cities in 2015.
Morgan Murphy, describes Birmingham’s food scene in his Southern Living book, Bourbon and Bacon.
“From high-end to low-end, there’s an expectation of freshness and quality in Birmingham because we are so close to the food that we produce. That proximity, plus Southerners’ love of the outdoors, farming, and hunting, plays right into the current food scene, with its emphasis on fresh, quality, and local. And really, that’s what Birmingham has been about for years.”
The article mentions Highland’s Bar & Grill along with Niki’s West, which has had their vegetable buffet listed as a top 25 dish in the world by USA Today. It also includes a “don’t miss” menu item from Highland’s: baked grits with country ham, mushrooms & fresh thyme.
This isn’t the first time Birmingham has been at the top of America’s food chain. Zagat, a source for all things travel related, including food, ranked Birmingham #1 on its 2015 list of up-and-coming food cities. Birmingham’s mix of high-end and casual food culture landed it a top spot on the list.