BioAlabama highlights strength of bioscience industry to Alabama leadership


Members of BioAlabama, Alabama’s statewide organization that connects the bioscience ecosystem, met with members of the Alabama Senate, House of Representatives, and Governor Kay Ivey’s staff recently to discuss the importance of the state’s life sciences industry. During the meetings, representatives from BioAlabama touted the economic, human health and agricultural significance of biosciences across Alabama.

“Alabama is home to a thriving bioscience sector,” said Peggy Sammon, chair of BioAlabama. “BioAlabama enjoys a close relationship with the state’s leaders as we work together to grow this industry, bringing more quality jobs to Alabama. Our meetings were an opportunity for us to report to the administration and legislature about the significant impact this industry has on all areas of the state.”
Alabama is home to more than 800 bioscience establishments that span all sub-sectors of the biotech industry. Areas represented within Alabama biosciences include agriculture, pharmaceuticals, drug discovery, drug development, health IT, genetics, genomics, medical devices, diagnostics, research testing and medical labs.

“BioAlabama’s role is to support, promote, and convene a collaborative bioscience ecosystem throughout Alabama. We have a tremendous presence in Alabama including R&D capacity at our institutions, international companies, and a growing number of startups in the state,” said Blair King, chair-elect of BioAlabama. “We want to support an ecosystem that sees these existing assets thrive in Alabama, as well as position Alabama as a place where companies will consider new investments, locations and partnerships.”

Participants in BioAlabama’s annual legislative day included: Peggy Sammon, Chair of BioAlabama and CEO of GeneCapture in Huntsville; Blair King, Chair-elect of BioAlabama and Manager, Economic Development and Existing Industry with Alabama Power in Birmingham; Carter Wells, past Chair of BioAlabama, Vice President for Economic Development with HudsonAlpha and CEO of iCubate in Huntsville; Watson Donald, Senior Director of External Affairs at Southern Research in Birmingham; and Happy Fulford, Executive Director of Governmental Relations for the University of South Alabama in Mobile.

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