Just like the rest of us, the weather put the Alabama legislature in quite a predicament this week. When the House of Representatives adjourned last Thursday, they agreed to reconvene the following Tuesday, as is their standard procedure. The time they chose just so happened to land right at the beginning of a day-long period of inclement weather across much of the state.
The Senate barely managed to get a quorum on Tuesday and passed roughly twenty bills.
But only about 40 members of the House made it to Montgomery on Tuesday, leaving them 12 short of a quorum. House rules state that if a quorum is not met, the House will reconvene every day at 10 a.m. until it is. Considering they’re only allowed 30 legislative days each year, nobody wants to burn a legislative day.
Well, Mark Twain probably wouldn’t mind…
…But by the time Wednesday rolled around, Snowmageddon 2014 was in full effect.
“We can plan for many things, but the weather is not one of them,” House Speaker Mike Hubbard said. “As important as our legislative obligations are, at times like these, safety is our number one priority. The moment the weather permits, however, we will be back to conducting the people’s business and fulfilling our commitment to Alabama taxpayers.”
In other parts of the state, motorists were stranded on busy highways and thousands of kids, teachers and workers were forced to spend the night at their schools and offices.
State Rep. Mack Butler, R-Rainbow City, was stuck on I-65 for over 20 hours.
Other members of the legislature couldn’t make it to the State House, but tried to lend a helping hand to folks in their district.
But Rep. Greg Wren, R-Montgomery, decided he was going to work no matter what.
And for the first time in history — at least according to the few folks around Montgomery we talked to — only one representative answered the quorum call.

The House was called to order; Rep. Wren said a prayer for his colleagues and others around the state being impacted by the weather; House Public Information Director Clay Redden led the Pledge of Allegiance; Redden acknowledged a quorum wasn’t present, and the House was adjourned.
“My colleagues had to stay at home to care for their constituents and families,” Wren told Yellowhammer. “It’s an honor to have their backs. I’m sure they would do the same for me.”
Both chambers of the legislature are scheduled to reconvene at 10 a.m. Thursday morning and are expected to have enough members present to get a quorum.
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