Posts by U.S. Rep. Bradley Byrne — Page 2

Byrne: Our sacred honor

Byrne: America needs building up, not tearing down

Byrne: Keeping our heads

Byrne: Good economic news

Byrne: A more perfect union

Byrne: Tough times show what makes our country great

Bradley Byrne House

Byrne: The absent Congress

Byrne: Opening economy now, not later, best for Americans

Byrne: Passing the peak of coronavirus and next steps

Byrne: At the peak of the coronavirus

Byrne: Approaching the peak of the coronavirus

Byrne: Love in the time of the coronavirus

Byrne: Hope in the time of the coronavirus

Byrne: Slowing the spread requires all hands on deck

Byrne: Embrace precaution, not panic, for coronavirus safety

Byrne: Combating coronavirus misinformation

Byrne: No fight is more noble than defending the unborn

Byrne: We can’t let up in the fight against gun-grabbers

Byrne: The New Way Forward Act is an assault on our borders

Bradley Byrne: Abolishing the U.S. Department of Education

Byrne: President Trump has the best week of his administration

Byrne: Fighting to keep the state of the Union strong

Byrne: Walking the walk in the fight for life