Austal President raves about doing business in right-to-work Alabama

(Above: Austal USA President Craig Perciavalle visits “The Exchange”)

Yellowhammer CEO Cliff Sims sat down with Austal USA President Craig Perciavalle yesterday to discuss a wide range of issues — from how Sen. Richard Shelby, R- Ala., saved the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) to the fact the LCS inspired a character in Disney’s Cars 2, which brought in over a half-billion dollars at the box office.

Tony Trihull from Cars 2 (Photo: Pixar Films)
Tony Trihull from Cars 2 (Photo: Pixar Films)

Perciavalle raved about the advantages of doing business in the state of Alabama. Austal employees approx. 4,000 Alabamians in the Mobile area. He said the state will likely continue to attract international companies like Austal and Airbus who are looking for a low-tax, business-friendly place to do business in America.

But there were two specific things Austal’s president mentioned that make Alabama an especially attractive place to locate. One of them is Alabama’s status as a right-to-work state.

“That’s probably the second leading attractive part of being in the state of Alabama — a right-to-work state,” Perciavalle said. “At the end of the day, we focus on treating our employees right and creating a very good work environment for them.”

Austal employees have voted to reject three attempts by the Sheet Metal Workers’ Union to unionize the plant — in 2002, 2008 and most recently in 2011.

Want to find out what Perciavalle believes is the most attractive part of doing business in Alabama? Come back to Yellowhammer Sunday morning to see Perciavalle’s complete interview in “The Exchange.”

RELATED: The Exchange ft. Special Guest Steve Forbes

Follow Cliff on Twitter @Cliff_Sims

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