This op-ed was originally published in the Trussville Tribune.
Here is what I have consistently heard as I have been around my district of Trussville, Clay, Pinson, Gardendale, Blount County, etc, “Government should live within its means,” and “Don’t raise my taxes.” When I am in Montgomery I hear, “We have a crisis” and “State government needs new revenues.” I believe the people in my district are more in touch with reality than the bureaucrats and career politicians in Montgomery.
Raising taxes is the easy way out, and one that governments have a long history of using. However, taxpayers in Alabama should know there are members of the legislature who are working to reform and modernize our budgeting system. We are trying to find solutions to the state’s budget shortfall without adding to the burden that is already on the backs of the working people of this state.
Every tax dollar the government requires from an individual or family is one less resource that person or family has to save for college education or retirement. So, my philosophy is that government should take as little money from taxpayers as possible.
I believe the legislature will balance the budget without tax increases on the hard-working families of Alabama. I hope the governor will support our efforts. However, the governor may choose to veto whatever budget the legislature sends him — as he did at the end of the regular session in June. I hope that won’t happen, but if it does, I think the legislature will probably override the veto.
Senator Shay Shelnutt represents Alabama’s 17th State Senate district which includes parts of Blount, Jefferson, and St. Clair Counties.