Alabamian giving away telepathic, blind, and deaf goats on Craigslist

Flickr user Dave Wild
Flickr user Dave Wild

Need a pick-me-up this Monday? An Alabamian’s Craigslist posting for giving away goats and potatoes may just brighten your day.

I have a couple hundred POTATOS and 4 goats looking for a farm. 2 of the goats are blind and death so they usually don’t respond when you call for them. I will usually call for them with my mind and they will respond. They are very smart goats. Preferably a farm but also individuals

If you want these deaf, telepathic, and blind goats, all you need to do is pick them up, free of charge!

In other goat-related “news,” here’s a cute video:

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U.S. Rep. Bradley Byrne October 19, 2015