Alabama’s special election for U.S. Senate next month is about one thing: the Supreme Court.
Regardless of either candidate’s campaign promises, the arcane rules of senate seniority mean that the winner will be a powerless backbencher for at least the next couple of years, maybe more, unable to change much and capable of very little.
The one vote that matters: The senate is nearly split down the middle, so whoever wins – Democrat Doug Jones or Republican Roy Moore – will likely cast one of the two or three deciding votes on who’ll replace pro-abortion Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg or crucial swing-vote Justice Anthony Kennedy.
We know how Moore will vote. He’s 100-percent prolife.
But what about Jones?
The Democrat Party’s nominee recently said he’s “not in favor of anything that is going to infringe on a woman’s right and her freedom to choose” to abort her unborn child, even when the baby can feel pain after 20-weeks, even when the baby could survive outside of the womb weeks later.
That shocking statement leaves very little room for interpretation or divination: He is “not in favor of anything” that would slow or stop abortion in this country, and that would include reversing Roe v. Wade.
Jones would be a certain “no” vote against a pro-life nominee to the high court, and would likely cast even more “no” votes on the dozens of lower court pro-life nominees that could come before the chamber during the next two years.
Is this the man Alabama wants making those votes in our name?
Does he represent your views on abortion?
If not, then you know which candidate you need to vote for next month … even if you don’t like the guy.
It’s not about Moore. It’s not about Jones. It’s not even really about the Supreme Court and its all-too-powerful justices.
It’s about the thousands of unborn children that are being killed annually in Alabama, and the millions being killed annually in our country.
The choice … the power … to help stop this horror rests in your hands on December 12.
What will you do?
(Take this story over to social media and start this important conversation with your friends and family.)