According to the Beer Institute (yes, that’s a real thing), there are over 21,000 Alabamians employed in alcohol industry-related jobs. The industry as a whole produces an estimated $2 billion economic impact on the state, including $465 million in annual tax revenue.
But as massive as it sounds like the alcohol industry is in the Yellowhammer State, Alabamians as a whole actually consume a good bit less alcohol than citizens of most other states around the country, especially when it comes to hard alcohol.
Thanks to a series of maps put together by the Washington Post, we can easily see how Alabama’s alcohol consumption stacks up.
First off, Alabama falls about middle-of-the-pack when it comes to beer consumption, when compared to other states. Alabamians consume just under 0.6 pints of beer per person, per day. But that’s actually not much more than Utah, which at 0.4 pints per person, per day drinks the least amount of beer of any state. On the other end of the spectrum, New Hampshire citizens consumes a full pint per person, per day.
Alabamians are not big wine drinkers. They consume just over 0.1 5-ounce glasses of wine per capita per day. That’s far less than Washington, D.C., the area of the country that seems to love wine more than any other, which consumes 0.6 5-ounce glasses of wine per person, per day.
New Hampshire once again finds itself at the top of the list when it comes to the consumption of hard alcohol. It is the only state in the country that consumes more than one shot of hard alcohol per person, per day (1.22). Alabama, on the other hand, only consumes about 0.3 shots of hard alcohol per person, per day.
Why do you think the average Alabamian consumes less alcohol than the average citizen in other states around the country? Let us know in the comment section below or by tweeting @YHPolitics.
And you know we can’t do a post about Alabama and alcohol and not include this…
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