Almost exactly five years ago, Ashley Dailey of Glencoe, Alabama hit rock bottom. She was hopelessly addicted to drugs and had “lost everything.” With nowhere else to turn, she pleaded with God to rescue her from her addiction, no matter what it took.
On the five-year anniversary of Dailey’s “last day as a drug addict,” she took to Facebook to share the remarkable story of how God transformed her life through that prayer.
Look what God did! The photo on the left is of me exactly 5 years ago today. My last day as a drug addict. I was a beat-down, hopeless wreck. 4 days prior to this photo (my mugshot) being taken I had cried out to God and asked Him to please get me out of that life. I had tried several times and knew I couldn’t do it on my own. I had lost EVERYTHING, including my family and I was sick of it. I told God I would do whatever He saw fit whether it meant rehab or jail or whatever but He would have to give me the strength. 4 days later I was arrested and went to the SAP program. I gave my life to the Lord and He set me free!! This photo is hard to post and kind of embarrassing but if one person can be encouraged by it and given hope then it’s worth it. God is into transforming people. He’s a good, good Father! 2 Corinthians 5:17 “If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation, the old is gone the new has come!” He’ll do it for anyone! #5yearsclean
Dailey’s photos and testimony spread around the Internet so quickly — over 100,000 Facebook shares, and counting — she decided to turn her personal Facebook into a ministry page called “Dailey Bread.”
“Because of my post about my addiction and the transformation God made I received thousands of friend requests from people all around the world!” She said. “My husband and I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to minister and encourage you all so we decided to accept all the friend requests and make this a ministry page!”
Dailey is now a program aid at Newlife For Women in Gadsden, a long-term treatment program for women who need help overcoming their addiction to drugs and alcohol.
She and her husband, Mark, are also the parents of two beautiful daughters.
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— Cliff Sims (@Cliff_Sims) June 9, 2015